However, it said it would not be able to raise its dividend as it hoped, and would submit a revised capital plan to the Fed. 不过,它同时也表示,无法像原先希望的那样增加派息,并会向美联储提交一份修改后的资本计划。
In return, by the end of March the companies would have to submit a restructuring plan to achieve long-term viability and international competitiveness. 作为贷款条件,三大汽车公司必须在明年3月底之前拿出一套企业重组计划,以取得长期的生存能力和国际竞争力。
The watchdog has given Mizuho a month to submit a plan to improve its operations, and said yesterday that it would take appropriate action after the bank and an independent panel complete their investigations. 监管机构要求瑞穗银行在一个月之内提交一份业务操作整顿计划,并在昨日表示,在该银行和一个独立小组完成调查之后,它将采取恰当的行动。
If they fail, the president would be obliged to submit a public plan proposal to Congress for speedy consideration. 假如他们失败了,总统将被迫提交一份公众计划申请来要求国会尽快审议。
Fund houses are also being asked to submit a plan for offshore remittances that commits to stretching those outward transactions before they gain approval for registering their funds. 基金公司在获准注册基金前,还被要求提交海外汇款计划,承诺拉长外向交易的时间。
Submit a lesson plan for the day that you are teaching. 上交为公开课设计的教学流程。
Within nine months after promulgation of an naaqs, each state was required to submit to EPA a plan designed to implement and maintain that standard within its boundaries. 在《全国环境空气质量标准》颁布后的9个月时间内,要求各州报送环境保护局一份计划,说明在本州实施与维持该标准的措施。
Parties to a sensitive cross-border deal would also have to submit a description of a cyber-security plan that would be used to protect against cyber attacks on a US business. 敏感跨境交易的相关方还需要提交一份网络安全计划书,阐述如何防范针对美国企业的网络攻击。
Instead of watching Congress mess it up and hoping Republicans will get the blame, Mr Obama should submit a plan to simplify the tax code and rein in entitlements spending. 奥巴马不应眼睁睁地看着国会搞砸,再期望共和党人承担骂名,而是应当提交一份计划,简化税收制度,控制福利支出。
The Contractor shall submit a risk management plan to the Engineer for com-ment and subsequent approval prior to any work commencing on site. 在任何现场工程开工之前,承包商应当向监理方提交风险管理计划以供其评论和审批。
About two weeks before a given due date students must submit a brief outline of the essay they plan to write. 学生需在指定的报告缴交期限的两星期前提交计画之论文的简要大纲。
If there is any alteration done in the plan, the seller must submit a copy of such revised plan to the buyer. 如有改动卖方必须向买方提交所修订的质量保证计划的副本。
Submit a short description justifying your lesson plan and setting it in the context of the rest of your unit. 上交简短的叙述,解说采用该设计的理由及如何将这节课融入整个课程计划。
The regulator gave banks until June to do so, with a deadline of tomorrow to submit a clear plan. 该监管机构要求银行今年6月完成筹资,明天是提交明确方案的最后期限。
To take advantage of the free land in Marne, applicants need only to submit a proposed floor plan for the house they want to build. 要想获得于马恩的免费土地,申请人只需提交一份建筑平面图的计划书。
Morgan said he met a venture capitalist in the elevator at a conference who invited him to submit a business plan. 摩根称他曾在一次会议上在电梯里遇到过一位风险投资家,后者让他递交一份商业计划书。
The US government has ordered BP to submit a plan for reopening its capped well in the Gulf of Mexico amid concerns that oil may be seeping from the ocean floor near the well. 美国政府下令英国石油公司向其递交一份重新开启墨西哥湾海底油井的方案,美国政府担心石油可能会从油井附近的海底岩层渗出。
Its key call is for Mr Saleh to submit a plan transferring power to state institutions within a set period. 主要呼吁是,萨利赫提交在一定时间内向国家机构移交权力的计划。
Wherever it is desired to install any machinery or machine tools in a school workshop the supervisor shall submit to the director a plan of the proposed layout of the workshop. 如欲在学校工场装设任何机器或机械工具,有关的校监须向署长呈交建议的工场设计图。
All applicants must submit a research plan. 所有申请人都应该提交一份研究计划。
At the time, the government required ConocoPhillips to submit a new development plan for the block. 当时政府要求康菲就整个区块提交一份新的开发方案。
Will Supplier submit a quality plan/ process qualification package for individual parts assemblies, software, kits, etc. 供应商是否递交了有关每个部件,组件,软件,工具包等产品的质量计划/过程验证材料?
The supplier shall submit a paper of recommendation and suggestion, which clearly explains how to design and implement the project and shall include project control procedures, quality assurance procedures as well as measures, quality control plan, etc. 供应商应提交建议书,对如何设计和实施工程进行明确说明,并应包括工程控制程序、质量保证程序及措施和质量控制计划等。
A tender should make analysis to various factors, submit application, study the requirement and content of tendering document, and make a investigation and study plan. 投标前应分析有关因素,提出申请,了解招标文件的内容要求,并制订调研计划;